How to Make a Titld in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

How to Make a Titld in Powerpoint

The PowerPoint title slide sets the stage for all of your subsequent slides. We've all sat through too many boring presentations. They're not created equally, and well-designed presentations make an impression.

PowerPoint Title Slide Graphic PowerPoint Title Slide Graphic PowerPoint Title Slide Graphic

Invest the additional fourth dimension to add design polish to your presentation. Half the battle is building excitement. Build a assuming PowerPoint championship slide that shows your audience that you lot're excited to share.

Just how can you build a presentation that'due south certain to make an impact on your audience? There are repeatable slide designs that you tin utilize to set the stage for your presentation. In this tutorial, I'll show you lot just how piece of cake it is to build a PowerPoint title page.

Before we take a closer look at PowerPoint cover slides, l want to make you aware of some other not bad resource. We've got a helpful complement to this tutorial. Download our FREE eBook: The Consummate Guide to Making Dandy Presentations . Grab it now before you read on.

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How to Quickly Make Bang-up PowerPoint Presentation Championship Encompass Slides (Video)

If you're making a PowerPoint title slide for your presentation, yous demand information technology to look good. Learn how to make a visually highly-seasoned PowerPoint championship page speedily in the video beneath:

To acquire fifty-fifty more about cover slides for PowerPoint, study the rest of the tutorial.

The Five PowerPoint Cover Slides to Build

There's no limit to the directions that yous can take your PowerPoint title slide. But it'south hard to disagree that the first slide is going to fix the stage for the rest of your presentation.

So, it's essential that your presentation gets off to a strong start. Just what direction should yous get so that yous grab the audience'south attention early and concur it until the finish?

In this tutorial, you lot'll learn to build 5 types of PowerPoint title slides. Here are the categories that I tend to think almost when designing my own title slides:

  • The Logo Slide . Focus on the branding and make image of your grouping by starting off by putting your logo and tagline front and middle.
  • The Large Question Slide. Most presentations are designed to inform. But it's also fun to flip the script and ask a question of your audience. It kick starts the conversation.
  • The Introductory Slide. This slide focuses on showcasing your credentials and background to institute dominance.
  • The Roadmap Slide. Chart the form for your presentation ahead by giving a sneak preview of the outline.
  • The Team Slide. Does your presentation focus on a group'due south effort? It's a great thought to showtime your presentation past showcasing all of the minds backside the project.

In this tutorial, we're going to build an example of each of these PowerPoint cover slides. Nosotros'll use pre-congenital templates to create impactful slide designs rapidly. Allow'southward dive in!

How to Use Templates for PowerPoint Title Slides

After giving many presentations, I truly believe that content is male monarch. You should focus on the message and the meat of your presentation. PowerPoint title page slides can be simple, but you should still invest the time to create a great opener.

The best way to become a caput start while edifice a presentation is to use pre-built templates from Envato Elements. Elements has a massive library of PowerPoint presentation designs you can utilise. Each template has starter slides that you tin can merely driblet your own content into. The PowerPoint cover slides nosotros feature are the fastest way to design.

PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements
All of these premium PowerPoint templates are available for download as a part of an Envato Elements subscription.

The best part of Elements? It'south an all-y'all-can-download creative buffet. With a single subscription, you've got admission to all that Elements offers. It includes over 1,000 PowerPoint designs plus more than 600,000 full creative avails. That includes stock photos, graphics, audio, so much more.

In this tutorial, we're going to use an impressive template chosen the BePro PowerPoint Business template.This is one of the height PowerPoint templates that's included for Elements subscribers. It's got a litany of designs that you can use to create the perfect PowerPoint title page. It as well includes multiple color schemes to make information technology piece of cake to re-utilize.

BePro PowerPoint Template Promotional Image BePro PowerPoint Template Promotional Image BePro PowerPoint Template Promotional Image
The premium  BePro PowerPoint theme includes more than than 100 slides that are like shooting fish in a barrel to add your content to for fast, professional slide designs.

Elements has over 1,000 PowerPoint templates, and nosotros'll aid past showing you the best. Try out this drove of  pop professional PPT templates on Elements.

While Envato Elements is an all-you-can-download model for templates, it's non the merely choice. GraphicRiver is a pay-every bit-you-become archive of PowerPoint presentation templates. Check out some of the new PowerPoint presentation templates on GraphicRiver and the  trending bestsellers on GraphicRiver.

The Logo Slide

The Logo Slide focuses on your make epitome and showcasing the logo of your company. It's ideal to use a logo slide to show your branding on the PowerPoint title folio.

A good starting indicate for this slide is slide design three that's congenital into the BePro template. Information technology's perfect for just adding a logo and background image. In the example below, I dropped in the logo on the slide. I also took the aforementioned logo and faded information technology into the background image placeholder.

Logo Slide from BePro Logo Slide from BePro Logo Slide from BePro
In this instance, I inserted the logo on the slide and added a background image of my logo faded in the premium PowerPoint title slide pattern.

Make sure too that your version of the logo slide stays with the branding bulletin. Arrange the colors of shapes and text to match the overall color scheme of your concern.

Edifice a logo slide as your title slide doesn't take to exist complicated. A well-made logo slide shows your branding quickly. An alternate option for this slide is slide design 4, a simple slide with a dark color scheme. Simply add your logo to that slide to create contrast.

The Big Question Slide

Your audition may be expecting yous to impart knowledge on them. Just you can flip the script by request a question upwards front.

The "Large Question Slide" doesn't take much time to blueprint. It helps you costless up time that y'all tin can spend thinking about the rest of your content.

When you're writing a presentation, in that location should always be a goal or big idea. In the instance below, I used the minimalist slide design 4 to ask a question of the audience. Over the course of the presentation, I'll answer this question for the audience.

Big Question Slide in BePro template Big Question Slide in BePro template Big Question Slide in BePro template
I used slide design 4 in this premium PowerPoint cover folio to ask a single significant question that I sought to aim over the course of the presentation.

If you aren'tanswering a question or sharing an idea, it might be time to re-think the content.

The Introductory Slide

There's naught wrong with getting a bit personal in your presentation. Fix the stage past building your authority and expertise, and the audition will trust and follow yous through the presentation.

BePro has many slide designs that work well for this, just I opted for slide 25. Information technology'southward a clean and straightforward slide pattern. Information technology's piece of cake to add points that explain your expertise to the audience.

Introductory Slide BePro Introductory Slide BePro Introductory Slide BePro
Slide 25 in this premium template has placeholder columns for fast facts about the speaker's background.

As yous tin can see higher up, I likewise added a stock photograph as the background prototype. Envato Elements features more than 100,000 stock images as part of the subscription. They're platonic for sourcing a stock prototype for your presentation.

In my example slide, I grabbed a great photograph and faded information technology into the background. It'due south a bully reminder that Elements is a total solution for building presentations—non only for the PowerPoint templates.

The Roadmap Slide

The roadmap mode slide is used to tell the story of where your presentation is headed. I've saturday through many presentations that seemed to wander through the agenda and would've benefitted from a roadmap slide.

When y'all build a roadmap, you bear witness the audience the management that yous'll accept them on over the course of the presentation.

The Roadmap Slide The Roadmap Slide The Roadmap Slide
Continue the premium roadmap simple, only four key points that ascertain the structure or outline of your presentation can build involvement early on in the introduction.

Slide design 41 might take a flake of customization, only I practise think that it'south the perfect selection for showcasing your roadmap for the presentation. But update each of the 4 placeholder boxes with a fundamental section of your presentation to architect the roadmap of your big speech.

The Team Slide

This type of slide is the perfect intro to showcasing a project that was a full team attempt. If you're going to spend your presentation sharing how you lot built a big app, product, or projection, it'southward but right that y'all share the credit with your team.

Slide 22in BePro is the perfect choice to build a squad slide of your own. It'southward tailor-made to drop in images and descriptions of your team members and see it come to life.

In my instance below, I put a vital fellow member of the project team in each of the image placeholders. Giving a brief background or description of their contribution to the project is a great fashion to set the phase.

Team Slide Updated BePro Team Slide Updated BePro Team Slide Updated BePro
If your presentation focuses on the impact of your team members, consider using the premium Team Slide arroyo to showcase the individual members of the team.

I think the Squad Slide approach is perfect when multiple speakers are involved. Some of my favorite presentations are when several different presenters will each take a function of the presentation. If this is the style of your presentation, consider kicking off with a team slide that introduces anybody's role and contributions.

v Quick PowerPoint Title Embrace Slide Design Tips for 2021

We've looked at how to make a great PowerPoint cover slide. Before long, you can begin building astonishing slides on your ain. But get-go, bank check out five quick design tips that are certain to help you out:

1. Go Bold

Bold style is essential on your PowerPoint comprehend page. Recall, you've got one goal: capturing audience attending. Abrupt, eye-catching design does exactly that.

PowerPoint cover page PowerPoint cover page PowerPoint cover page
The Atlas template delivers sleek, bold manner to your PowerPoint cover folio.

Premium templates built past creatives provide unmatched designs. They fifty-fifty aid inspire y'all to exercise your very all-time work. And they're incredibly easy to customize, making you look similar a PPT adept.

two. Create Your Ain Layouts

PPT decks are actually frameworks for your bulletin. Inside the app, you've got the flexibility to customize every slide layout. That's never more than of import than on the beginning page of PPT presentations.

By adjusting layouts, y'all tin show exactly what you want, where you want. It'south the best way to create a memorable and unique PowerPoint cover folio.

Learn how to customize PPT layouts with our quick tutorial:

iii. Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism. Information technology's a pop pattern artful, and for good reason. It adds manner without being overpowering or distracting. That'south perfect for a PowerPoint encompass page.

First page of PPT presentation First page of PPT presentation First page of PPT presentation
Vynil is a premium modern option for the first page of PPT presentation designs.

Try to build a embrace showing only the essentials. These could be things like an prototype, the presentation title, a date, and your name. Exist careful to avert adding clutter: it'southward a quick fashion to lose your audience.

4. Add Kinetic Typography

You might not remember of animated text. But information technology's really a great way to grab attention and lock in audience focus. Thanks to PowerPoint, you lot can add these animations (called kinetic typography) easily.

Kinetic typography brings subtle, stylish text animation to any slide. It'south ideal for the get-go page of PPT presentation layouts in demand of a bit more energy.

Learn how to use kinetic typography in simply sixty seconds here:

5. Be Specific

First impressions are cardinal, and y'all'll brand one with your PowerPoint cover page. Then why use generic layouts if you tin observe something specifically suited to your needs?

Business PowerPoint cover page Business PowerPoint cover page Business PowerPoint cover page
Pizzarena is a PowerPoint embrace page made just for pizza restaurants.

This might mean choosing a premium template built for your industry. Or, you lot might add together your brand's colors, logos, and more. Either style, beingness specific and tailoring your encompass slide to your needs is sure to impress.

five Top PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Templates (For 2021 Presentations)

Premium templates from Envato Elements include stunning PowerPoint embrace folio designs. Let'south check out 5 of the very best:

one. VERA PowerPoint Template

Vera PowerPoint cover page Vera PowerPoint cover page Vera PowerPoint cover page

Bold colors abound in this visually stunning PPT deck. With 55 unique slides, you're certain to observe the perfect PowerPoint cover folio. Besides, inside is a custom icon set that'southward easy to work with. This ane is perfect for near whatsoever project.

2. STYLE - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template V50

Style PowerPoint cover page Style PowerPoint cover page Style PowerPoint cover page

Manner: it's in the name of this template, and for good reason. This is a perfect example of a sleek, minimalist PowerPoint embrace page. Customize it in seconds, and with iv,000 slides to cull from, your options are almost unlimited.

3. IPSUM - PowerPoint

Ipsum first page of PPT presentation Ipsum first page of PPT presentation Ipsum first page of PPT presentation

IPSUM offers a key part of a successful PowerPoint cover page. That's artistic flexibility. Over 50 layouts are built into the pack. Yous'll also see custom infographics, icons, and more. Each slide element is completely editable.

4. Livy PowerPoint

Livy first page of PPT presentation Livy first page of PPT presentation Livy first page of PPT presentation

Searching for a timeless, retro-inspired PPT cover page? Livy has yous covered. With 50 slides and resizable graphics, information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to suit to your projection needs. The included gallery slide makes for a perfect mosaic cover layout.

5. Conference PowerPoint Presentation Template

Conference PowerPoint cover page Conference PowerPoint cover page Conference PowerPoint cover page

Concluding simply not least is Conference, a mod PowerPoint encompass page deck. Choose betwixt multiple color themes and quickly add together in your content. Plus, slides are pre-animated, saving you precious time. Each slide is in full HD, helping them look slap-up on large screens.

More than Elevation PowerPoint Templates

PowerPoint templates requite you a tremendous advantage when creating a presentation. You've already seen options for PowerPoint embrace pages in this tutorial, but these just scratch the surface.

Check out more than of the acme templates below. Many of these templates give you fifty-fifty more options to use equally the first page of PPT presentations.

Keep Learning

PowerPoint is a fantastic app because information technology's easy to learn only has then many features that you can use to build beautiful slides. These 5 title slide designs and the template we used to build them are a great example of how piece of cake it can be.

However want to acquire more almost PowerPoint? One of the best resources for learning the app is our article,  Ultimate Guide to the Best PPT. That guide and the tutorials below volition aid you lot build competence and present confidently.

Brand Dandy Presentations ( Costless PDF eBook Download )

We also have the perfect complement to this PowerPoint tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, pattern it like a pro, and set it to present powerfully.

Free PDF eBook Download Free PDF eBook Download Free PDF eBook Download

Download our new eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Corking Presentations. It's bachelor for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Start Using PowerPoint Comprehend Pages Today

In this tutorial, you saw some of the all-time options for PowerPoint cover pages inside of premium templates. These files set the tone with the assistance of the first page of PPT presentations, presented perfectly. Choose one of these templates and go started now.

How practise you take hold of and hold the audience'south attention? If you lot've got ideas on how to write more compelling re-create for title slides, make sure to use the comments section below to share a tip with other Tuts+ readers.

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published in August of 2019.  Information technology'due south been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Andrew Childress .


How to Make a Titld in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

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